Tečaj Create and Manage Canvas Apps with Power Apps

17.2. - 17.2.2025

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: PL-7001

Cena: 420,00 € (brez DDV)


About the course

Create your own data model and canvas app to support a scenario for a fictional company. You're provided high-level specifications on the custom tables, columns and canvas app needed to complete this project.


You should understand application development, writing formulas such as those in Excel, and creating, reading, updating, and deleting data.

Course content

Get started with Power Apps canvas apps
This module introduces the learner to Power Apps. It starts with an introduction video briefly describing the “why” (case for Power Apps) and the “what” for what users can do with Power Apps. The units then take users through the “how” instilling in them the confidence that they can use Power Apps to interact with their data.

Customize a canvas app in Power Apps
In this module, we'll show learners how to customize their app, a necessary skill for taking advantage of the capabilities of Power Apps. This unit builds upon the app produced in the first unit.

How to build the User Interface in a canvas app in Power Apps
In this module, learners will learn how to build UI for their app including theming, icons, images, personalization, form factors and controls. In their learning path, thus far, learners have used basic controls with little to no customization. This unit shows how to make an app more personal and help it fit branding or personal requirements.

Work with external data in a Power Apps canvas app
Do you need to connect an app to access data? Then this module is for you. It focuses on connecting your app to a data source.

Write data in a Power Apps canvas app
Forms can be used to view, edit, and create records. This module demonstrates how to use forms to write data to your data source. Topics will include form setup, the different form modes, and how to configure a submit button.

Publish, share, and maintain a canvas app
You've built your first app. Now, it's time to publish, share it with others, and maintain subsequent versions of the app.

Guided Project - Create and manage canvas apps with Power Apps

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