Tečaj Create and Manage Automated Processes by using Power Automate

14.11. - 14.11.2024

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: PL-7002

Cena: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

Get started with Power Automate by create and manage automated processes with Power Automate. Including creating triggers for cloud flows, configuring actions, implementing conditional logic for a cloud flow, testing a cloud flow, creating and configuring approvals by using Power Automate, and sharing cloud flows.


  • Fundamental understanding of Power Platform
  • Basic understanding of Power Automate.

Course content

Get started with Power Automate
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services.

Build approval flows with Power Automate
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. In this module, you build approval flows to streamline your business, save time, and work more efficiently.

Build flows to manage user information
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. In this module, you build more flows to manage user information.

Power Automate's deep integration across multiple data sources
Power Automate is an online workflow service that automates actions across the most common apps and services. In this module, you'll build flows across multiple data sources.

Guided Project - Create and manage automated processes with Power Automate

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