Tečaj Power Platform Solution Architect

Status: Nepotrjen

3 dni (27 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: PL600

Cena: 960,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

The Solution Architect is responsible for the successful design, implementation, deployment and adoption of an overall solution. The Solution Architect ensures that the solution meets the customer’s needs now and in the future. In this course, students will learn about decisions a Solution Architect makes during an implementation, covering security, integrations, Power Apps architecture, Power Automate architecture, and more. This course is designed to give you an introduction to the Solution Architect role.


Audience Profile

Senior Consultants (both functional and technical) that aspire to be Solution Architects, or current Solution Architects that are new to the role.


  • Becoming a solution architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
  • Discover customer needs as a Solution Architect for Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform
  • Propose a solution as a Solution Architect for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
  • Work with requirements for Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365
  • Perform fit gap analysis
  • Solution Architect series: Implement project governance for Power Platform and Dynamics 365
  • Solution Architect series: Power Platform architecture
  • Solution architect series: Model data for Power Platform solutions
  • Solution Architect series: Evaluate Power Platform analytics and AI
  • Solution Architect series: Explore Power Apps architecture
  • Solution Architect series: Plan application lifecycle management for Power Platform
  • Explore Power Automate architecture
  • Solution architect series: Model security for Power Platform solutions
  • Solution Architect series: Implement integrations with Power Platform
  • Solution architect series: Explore Power Virtual Agents
  • Solution architect series: Explore robotic process automation
  • Solution Architect series: Testing and go-live


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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