Tečaj Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service

Status: Nepotrjen

4 dni (36 pedagoških ur)


Koda tečaja: MB-240

Cena: 1.150,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

Learn how to effectively configure a Dynamics 365 for Field Service implementation to maximize the tools and features available to efficiently manage a mobile work force.

Audience Profile

This course is designed for IT professionals with experience or interest in delivering Field Service solutions for large-scale customers.


  • Configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Configure bookable resources in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Schedule crews, facilities, and resource pooling in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Work order management, agreements, inventory, and purchasing in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Incident types in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Inspections in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Manage scheduling options in Dynamics 365 for Field Service
  • Customize the schedule board in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Deploying Resource Scheduling Optimization
  • Get started with the Dynamics 365 Field Service Mobile application
  • Customize and configure the Dynamics 365 Field Service Mobile application
  • Integrate Dynamics 365 Remote Assist with Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Customer assets in Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Set up Field Service to create work orders from IoT data
  • Create custom apps for Dynamics 365 Field Service
  • Gather customer feedback with Dynamics 365 Customer Voice


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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Naročite se na Xnet novice in ostanite na tekočem glede novih tečajev, seminarjev, možnosti pridobitve novih certificiranj in akcijskih cen.

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