Microsoft Azure Administrator

termin_icon Prvi termin: 12.8 - 15.8
confirmed_icon Izvedba potrjena Ne
duration_icon Trajanje (dni) 4
price_icon Cena brez DDV 1.250,00 €
num_of_hours_icon Število ped. ur 36
difficulty_icon Zahtevnost Napredni


Oznaka tečaja: AZ104

About the course

This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.

Audience profile:

This course is for Azure Administrators. The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.


Successful Azure Administrators start this role with experience in virtualization, networking, identity, and storage.

  • Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including: VMs, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks.
  • Understanding of network configurations, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies.
  • Understanding of Active Directory concepts, including users, groups, and role-based access control.
  • Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations.


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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