Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

termin_icon Prvi termin: 9.10 - 9.10
confirmed_icon Izvedba potrjena Ne
duration_icon Trajanje (dni) 1
price_icon Cena brez DDV 420,00 €
num_of_hours_icon Število ped. ur 9
difficulty_icon Zahtevnost Osnovni
Oznaka tečaja: PL900

About this course

Learn the business value and product capabilities of Microsoft Power Platform. Create simple Power Apps, connect data with Dataverse, build a Power BI Dashboard, and automate processes with Power Automate.

Audience profile

Candidates for this exam are users who aspire to improve productivity by automating business processes, analyzing data to produce business insights, and acting more effectively by creating simple app experiences.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Describe the Power Platform components: Power Apps, Power BI and Microsoft Automate
  • Describe the Power Platform components: Common Data Service, Connectors and AI builder
  • Describe cross-cloud scenarios across M365, Dynamics 365, Microsoft Azure and 3rd party services
  • Identify benefits and capabilities of Power Platform
  • Identify the basic functionality and business value Power Platform components
  • Implement simple solutions with Microsoft Automate, Power BI, and Power Apps


No prerequisites for this course


This training prepares you for:

*Certificiranje ni vključeno v ceno

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