Tečaj Cyber Threat Intelligence

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Koda tečaja: CMAP14-2024

Cena: 740,00 € (brez. DDV)


Bonus Module 14

Students will become familiar with threat intelligence and modeling. Further, they will learn how to use open-source intelligence tools and techniques. During this module CQURE Experts will present different patterns attacks.

  • Threat Intelligence, Assessment and Threat Modeling
  • Open-Source Intelligence Tools and Techniques
  • Patterns of Attack

Predavatelj: Piotr Pawlik

    Piotr Pawlik is CQURE’s Cybersecurity Expert, System Engineer and Unified Communications Expert with experience in design, implementation, and support for Microsoft solutions. During his work for Orange Business Services, Piotr was responsible for planning and deployment of security solutions for the biggest customers in Poland (insurance, banking, education and government sectors) and many customers located in Europe. Piotr’s main areas of expertise are: Microsoft Private Cloud (Hyper-V virtualization and System Center 2012), Microsoft Public Cloud (Office 365 and Azure), Microsoft Exchange Server 2010/2013, Lync Server 2010/2013, Office Communications Servers and Windows Server family. His additional experience includes disaster recovery, capacity planning, virtualization and business continuity. Excellent problem-solving skills and interpersonal skills.

Predavateljica: Paula Januszkiewicz, Mike Jankowski-Lorek, PhD, and additionally by Piotr Pawlik

    Paula Januszkiewicz, MVP, MCT and Microsoft Regional Director has more than 19 years of experience in the cybersecurity field, performing penetration tests, architecture consulting, trainings and seminars. She has performed hundreds of security projects, including those for governmental organizations and big enterprises, at the same time being a top speaker and a keynote speaker at many well-known conferences.

Predavatelj: Mike Jankowski-Lorek, PhD

    Mike Jankowski-Lorek is a solution architect, developer, data scientist and security expert with more than 18-years’ experience in the field. He designs and implements solutions for organization identity and access databases, network and security monitoring and management, mainly working in Microsoft ecosystem for medium to enterprise level organizations. Mike holds multiple certifications, especially security, database and software development related. As a passionate person he loves sharing his knowledge.


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