SharePoint 2016 Power User Training

termin_icon Prvi termin: 14.10 - 15.10
confirmed_icon Izvedba potrjena Ne
duration_icon Trajanje (dni) 2
price_icon Cena brez DDV 960,00 €
num_of_hours_icon Število ped. ur 18
difficulty_icon Zahtevnost Napredni


Oznaka tečaja: 55200

About this course

This SharePoint 2016 Power User training class is designed for individuals who need to learn the fundamentals of managing SharePoint sites.

Audience profile

This course is intended for new and existing users of SharePoint.


Before attending this course, students must have:

  • Basic computer knowledge.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Create custom workflows using SharePoint Designer 2016.
  • Learn to use Content Approval settings and Workflow.
  • Learn to use Term stores and managed Metadata.
  • Learn to use the Document ID Service.
  • Learn SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure.
  • Learn to create and use Document Sets.
  • Learn to route documents with Content Organizer.
  • Learn to use Metadata Navigation.
  • Learn to create external content types with Business Connectivity Services.
  • Learn to use Information Management Policies.

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