Tečaj Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (9 pedagoških ur)


Course Id: MB210

Price: 520,00 € (brez. DDV)


About this course

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales is an end-to-end application to manage the handling of customers and potential customers; tracking data against sales goals, automating your best practices, learning from your data and more.
Join our team of globally recognized experts as they take you step by step from lead to opportunity to closed deal. Using the application’s available automation and customization options you will learn how to enable sales staff to be their most productive selves.

Audience profile

A Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Functional Consultant is responsible for performing discovery, capturing requirements, engaging subject matter experts and stakeholders, translating requirements, and configuring the solution and applications. The Functional Consultant implements a solution using out of the box capabilities, codeless extensibility, application and service integrations.


Students should be familiar with Dynamics 365 model-driven applications and the Power Platform. Students should also be familiar with the sales process and sales organizations. No certifications are required as a pre-requisite for this course, but PL-200T00 (Power Platform Functional Consultant) is recommended as a supplement to this course.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Install and configure the application
  • Identify common sales scenarios
  • Complete a sales cycle
  • Configure product catalog
  • Manage customer records
  • Utilize analytics tools with customer data


This training prepares you for:

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