Tečaj Securing SQL Server

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: CMAP7-2024

Price: 740,00 € (brez. DDV)


Module 7

Students will understand SQL Server Security baseline and will be able to effectively manage logins and passwords for MS SQL servers.

  • SQL Server Security Baseline Concepts
  • SQL Server Instance Security
  • Managing Logins & Passwords

Predavatelj: Damian Widera

    Software engineer with over 20 years of professional experience in all aspects of data platform development. He has participated in a number of projects in international environments and possesses practical knowledge of procedures and tools which are necessary for successful implementation of such projects. Damian currently focuses on building solutions based on Microsoft Azure environment including complex database driven systems, machine learning, big data processing, tuning and optimization. As an experienced trainer, speaker and columnist, he is always eager to take part in new engagements. In 2022, for the 14th time, he has been awarded Microsoft’s Data Platform MVP. In addition, he holds various Microsoft Certifications since 2004: Microsoft Certified Trainer, Solution Developer and Application Developer for .NET, Database Administrator, Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert.


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