Our growth

Time flies when we travel on the road of success and achievements.


Kompas Xnet is established

In 1991 and 1992, Kompas Yugoslavia was transformed into publicly listed companies, among which was Kompas Xnet. During this period, we started to open up to external clients and started accepting people from other companies into our training programs. The basic activities remained training and helpdesk for clients within Kompas.


The ownership structure is finalized

Because of unfavorable conditions and financial problems that hindered the company's development, our ownership structure was transformed and we have maintained that structure ever since.


Microsoft Partner

Shortly after that, Microsoft awarded us with the status of Microsoft Certified Solution Provider, which was later renamed to Microsoft Certified Partner.


Microsoft Authorized Training Center and ISO Standard

A few years later we also received the status of Microsoft Authorized Training Center, which is now called Microsoft Learning Partner – MLP, which allows us to organize Microsoft Official Courses. In the same year we also received the ISO Standard 9001:2000 certificate of quality, given to us by BVQI.


Microsoft Office specialization

Based on a solution for Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft awards us with another competency – Information Worker, which basically represents a specialization for Microsoft Office systems.


Microsoft Gold Partner

The previously mentioned activities contributed to obtaining the status of Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. In the same year, we also receive the Small Business Specialist competency.


Moving to new offices

In 2006 we completely renovated new office spaces in Stegne, Ljubljana and completely moved our company to this new location. We also changed the company logo.


Additional Microsoft competencies

Based on references from our clients, Microsoft awarded us a special development competency – Custom Development Solutions Competency. The next year, 2008, we were also awarded the Security Software Advisor competency.


Award for the NT Conference 2010 website

We received an award for most innovative approach to using Microsoft web technologies and platform among Slovenian partners. The award was for the website of NT Conference 2010, which was the first application in Slovenia developed on the Azure platform. The commission of the Microsoft corporation also declared that the NT Conference 2010 website deserves its spot as a learning example of successful projects and can be looked upon by others wishing to use Microsoft's Azure technology.


Gold competency for SharePoint

We were the only Microsoft Learning Partner in Slovenia to receive the GOLD competency for SharePoint services and solutions.


Golden Thread (Zlata nit)

We participated in the best employer competition called Zlata nit (Golden Thread) and were among the 7 finalists. In the next years, we managed to repeat this accomplishment 6 times in a row.


LLPA membership

On October 18th 2013 we joined the Leading Learning Partners Association (LLPA) as Slovenia's representative.


NETTY 2016

We developed the website for the Formula 1 race in Azerbaijan, for which we received the NETTY 2016 award in the category of best sports website.


LLPA Summit 2019

We hosted the LLPA Summit in the fall of 2019 , which was attended by as many as 60 representatives of leading educational centers from all over the world. Participants came from as many as 36 countries: from South Africa, Argentina, Russia, Iceland and all in between. The importance of knowledge and education is also evidenced by the fact that the meeting was supported by 10 sponsors, and as many as 20 representatives from Europe and the USA joined us: Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, Arvato, Pearson Vue, etc.


2020: Microsoft Partner Recognition 2020

We Kompas Xnet, as a representative for Slovenia in the association of leading educational partners LLPA, are extremely proud and enthusiastic about receiving the highest award given by Microsoft. For this title, we were selected from a worldwide set of top Microsoft partners for their excellence and innovation in implementing customer solutions using Microsoft technologies.

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