Business Skills

In association with external partners, we offer training in the field of corporate IT under the guidance of certified trainers and can include an official exam to obtain a certificate. These trainings are meant for project managers and other people in leadership positions that manage services or projects in IT or for people who would like to get to know some of the modern methodologies in the field and implement them in their organization.

IT project management and IT services management is a complex process, but using well-established methodologies and standards can help us avoid common mistakes and manage our resources efficiently. There are many different methodologies, from simple ones, that provide only basic guidelines, to complex ones, that demand that an organization follows the rules with precision. Because organizations differ from one another, a methodology that would cover every aspect and scenario simply does not exist.

Current courses for Business Skills


One of the possible approaches is the effective management of IT by using the ITIL methodology (Information Technology Information Library). It is a collection of best practices for the entire cycle of IT services, that ranges from strategy to withdrawing a service from a company's offer. ITIL training courses are meant for anybody that would like to get and understanding of terminology and basic concepts of the ITIL methodology, obtain a deeper understanding and knowledge of processes about the operational implementation of services.


PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) is a method for effective project management that is widely accepted and used in the private sector on an international level. Because it does not allow for much flexibility and calls for a lot of documentation and human resources it is not appropriate for smaller organizations or projects. During the training, you will get an understanding of the PRINCE2 methodology and project management, learn how to differentiate between projects and processes, maximize the entire potential for effective project management and the entire management process, from the beginning to the end of a project.

Project management based on PMI PMBOK

This training will teach you how to properly manage projects, by giving you an understanding of some key processes, field and fundamental principles based on the recommendations and best practices of PMI PMBOK (Project Management Institute Project Management Body of Knowledge). The training is meant for anybody who participates in projects and would like to obtain or refresh their knowledge of project management.


SCRUM is one of the most popular agile methodologies. It is widely used in IT as it allows for a flexible and comprehensive approach to product development. It's flexibility, speed and efficiency stems from the fact that it allows the development team to aggree upon minor management details by themselves. The key principle of SCRUM is recognizing the fact that clients can change their mind about the end result of the project at any time, so it focuses on being able to respond quickly and fulfill new requests. The training is meant for anybody that would like to become a SCRUM Master or that would like to improve their skills in this field.

If you would like to know how to become an efficient leader and project manager, visit one of our trainings or contact us and we will prepare a customized workshop for you and your team.

Customer feedback matters

Poglejte, kaj stranke pravijo o nas.

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Dober uvod v .NET CORE. Gašper ima jeklene živce in odgovarja na vsaka že tako normalna vprašanja. Matej Škerjanc - Akrapovič d.d.
"Tečaj je bil zelo primeren za spoznavanje SQL DWN. Še posebej koristne so predavatelje izkušnje, ki mi lahko v prihodnosti privarčujejo marsikateri glavobol." Erik Žunec - Comtrade
Bootcamp: "Tečaj je presegel moja pričakovanja, tako po strokovni plati, kot po atmosferi in namestitvi!" Tomaž Končan - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
Bootcamp: "Najboljše izobraževanje ever! Ogromno izmenjave znanja med slušatelji in predavatelji, abnormalna količina novega znanja. Upam, da zadevo še kdaj ponovimo." Jure Klančar - Zavarovalnica Sava d.d.
Primerna vsebina tečaja, predavatelj vsebino dobro razložil. Prijetno osebje in okolje. Štefan Žerdin - ZZZS

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