Professional Scrum for Development Teams


Poslovni zajtrk, 15.11.2019

Are you wondering why this Scrum thing does not work for your development team? Are you planning to start with Scrum and want to get it right from the beginning? Or do you just want to verify which flavor of Scrum your team is using and whether you are really gaining all those benefits everyone is talking about?

Join us in this session, Professional Scrum for Development Teams, where we will explain why mechanical Scrum is not enough in the world of professional software development. Besides implementing Scrum components (roles, events and artifacts) teams need to live by the Scrum Values and Principles, working together to solve and overcome issues and regularly inspecting and adapting the way they work. Besides that, they need to strive for Technical Excellence, adopting and frequently improving their effective DevOps technical practices and engineering standards. Only then, they are true Professional Scrum Teams that can deliver a potentially releasable increment of software every Sprint.


  • Get a clear understanding of foundational elements of Scrum and their coherence
  • Understand how modern Agile engineering practices and supportive DevOps tools improve a team’s capability to deliver working software
  • Introduce classes Professional Scrum Foundations (PSF) and Professional Scrum Developer (PSD) 


Lokacija: Kompas Xnet d.o.o., Stegne 7, 1000 Ljubljana

Termin: 15. november 2019 ob 8:30

Predavatelj: Ognjen Bajić, VS ALM MVP, PST, Agilist IT

Jezik: angleščina 

Udeležba je BREZPLAČNA!


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  • 8:15 - 8:30 Klepet ob kavi in biskvitu
  • 8:30 - 9:30 Predavanje
  • 9:30 - 10:00 Diskusija
  • 10:00 Zaključek

 Razlogi, zakaj se udeležiti Xnet zajtrka:

  • Brezplačno strokovno izobraževanje
  • Praktični primeri in primeri dobrih praks
  • Pridobljeno teoretično znanje boste lahko prenesli v prakso
  • Vpogled v izkušnje in razmišljanje strokovnjakov
  • Mreženje
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