Tečaj Secure Azure services and workloads with Microsoft Defender for Cloud regulatory compliance controls

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: SC-5002

Price: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)

About the course

This learning path guides you in securing Azure services and workloads using Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark controls in Microsoft Defender for Cloud via the Azure portal.


  • None

Course content

Filter network traffic with a network security group using the Azure portal
In this module, we will focus on filtering network traffic using Network Security Groups (NSGs) in the Azure portal. Learn how to create, configure, and apply NSGs for improved network security.

Create a Log Analytics workspace for Microsoft Defender for Cloud
In this module, you'll discover how to create a Log Analytics workspace in the Azure portal for Microsoft Defender for Cloud, improving data collection and security analysis.

Set up Microsoft Defender for Cloud
In this module, you'll learn how to implement Microsoft Defender for Cloud using the Azure portal, to strengthen security and threat detection in your Azure environment.

Set up Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Configure and integrate a Log Analytics agent and workspace in Defender for Cloud This module will guide you to configure and integrate a Log Analytics agent with a workspace in Defender for Cloud via the Azure portal, boosting security analysis.

Configure Azure Key Vault networking settings
In this module, you'll learn to configure Azure Key Vault networking settings via the Azure portal, ensuring secure and controlled access to your stored secrets.

Connect an Azure SQL server using an Azure Private Endpoint using the Azure portal
This module will guide you on securely connecting an Azure SQL server via Azure Private Endpoint in the Azure portal, enhancing data communication security.



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