Tečaj Mastering Code Security

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: CMAP8-2024

Price: 740,00 € (brez. DDV)


Module 8

The task to create and maintain secure applications, or fixing existing applications, can be difficult. It is no different for APIs. This module has been designed to give you an overview and working understanding of how to develop secure APIs and Web applications.

  • Introducing to OWASP Secure Coding
  • Authentication and Access Control
  • Hardening your API and Web application

Predavatelj: Ronald Harmsen

    Ronald Harmsen is a solution architect, developer, trainer and speaker based in the Netherlands. Ronald has been active in professional software development since the mid-90s and has worked on projects for a range of large international companies as well as SME’s and startups. His focus is on delivering well engineered, maintainable and secure software. When not working on customer projects, Ronald consults and trains several teams in Scandinavia, UK, Netherlands & Belgium in achieving this by applying DevOps principles, Event Driven Architectures and Domain Driven Design. Currently he mainly works with technologies like Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes and software development in dotnet, building IoT and microservice based cloud-first systems. Ronald can also be found as a speaker on development conferences and meetups.


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