Microsoft Azure tečaj Deploy and configure Azure Monitor

14.11. - 14.11.2024

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)


Course Id: AZ-1004

Price: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the course

In this 1-day course you will practice implementing Azure Monitor to collect, analyze and act on monitoring telemetry from Azure environments. You learn to configure and interpret monitoring for virtual machines, networking, and web applications.


  • Understand the basic functionality of Azure Monitor and Log Analytics workspaces.

Course content

Create and configure a Log Analytics workspace
Understand how to create and configure a Log Analytics workspace, and how to configure data retention and health status alerts for the workspace.

Configure monitoring for applications
Understand how to monitor the performance of your applications and how to collect and analyze the appropriate telemetry to improve application performance.

Configure monitoring for virtual machines
Understand how to deploy and configure Azure Monitor Agent on IaaS VMs and how to enable VM Insights and Data Collection Rules to monitor performance and application telemetry.

Configure monitoring for virtual networks
Understand how to use Azure Network Watcher Connection Monitor, flow logs, NSG diagnostics, and packet capture to monitor connectivity across your Azure IaaS network resources.

Configure alerts and responses
Understand how to configure and manage alerts and responses in order to proactively manage notifications about potential issues before those issues become problems for your users.

Guided Project – Deploy and configure Azure Monitor
Understand how to configure monitoring of various workloads and infrastructure services using Azure Monitor.

Prepare for your Applied Skills credential
This one-day, instructor-led training is recommended as preparation for the assessment Deploy and configure Azure Monitor

Microsoft Applied Skills is a new scenario-based credential that proves your proficiency in skill sets specific to critical business problems, so you can make a bigger impact on your projects, your organization, and your career.



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