Microsoft Azure tečaj Secure storage for Azure Files and Azure Blob Storage

13.11. - 13.11.2024

Status: Nepotrjen

1 dan (8 pedagoških ur)

Course Id: AZ-1003

Price: 420,00 € (brez. DDV)


About the courese

In this learning path, you practice storing business data securely by using Azure Blob Storage and Azure Files. The skills validated include creating storage accounts, storage containers, and file shares. Also, configuring encryption and networking to improve the security posture.


  • Experience using the Azure portal to create resources.
  • Basic knowledge of unstructured data like blobs and files.
  • Basic knowledge of security concepts like identities, permissions, and encryption.
  • Basic knowledge of networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting.

Course content

Create an Azure Storage account
Create an Azure Storage account with the correct options for your business needs.

Configure Azure Blob Storage
Learn how to configure Configure Azure Blob Storage, including tiers and object replication.

Configure Azure Storage security
Learn how to configure common Azure Storage security features like storage access signatures.

Secure and isolate access to Azure resources by using network security groups and service endpoints
Network security groups and service endpoints help you secure your virtual machines and Azure services from unauthorized network access.

Guided Project - Azure Files and Azure Blobs
In this module, you practice storing business data securely by using Azure Blob Storage and Azure Files. The lab combines both learning and hands-on practice.

Prepare for your Applied Skills credential

This one-day, instructor-led training is recommended as preparation for the assessment Secure Storage for Azure Files and Azure Blog Storage

Microsoft Applied Skills is a new scenario-based credential that proves your proficiency in skill sets specific to critical business problems, so you can make a bigger impact on your projects, your organization, and your career.



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